The Booty Report

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Arrr! Bob Fernandez, who weathered Pearl Harbor’s storm as a lad, has finally sailed to Davy Jones’ locker at a ripe 100!


Arrr, young Mr. Fernandez, a spry lad of seventeen, be sailin' on the U.S.S. Curtiss when them pesky Japanese scallywags struck! Just days prior, he’d tossed aside plans fer a jolly jaunt to Hawaii's shores to toast the 83rd anniversary o' that infamous kerfuffle. Savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I be tellin’ a tale of young Mr. Fernandez, a lad of seventeen summers, who sailed the treacherous seas aboard the fine vessel known as the U.S.S. Curtiss. This scallywag be a true sailor, but fate be a fickle mistress, as ye shall soon learn!

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