"Arrr, matey! Rebecca Grant says America's got a flock o' flying contraptions and no captain at the helm!"
Arrr, matey! The President-elect, that scallywag Trump, be wantin' to build an Iron Dome to shield our shores! But what of those pesky drones buzzin' about like flies at a feast? Let’s not be shootin' at 'em without a proper license, savvy? We be needin' a plan, or we be left adrift!
Arrr, mateys! So here be the tale of President-elect Donald Trump, settin' his sights on creatin' a grand Iron Dome to shield our fair land from missiles. But beware! Drones be buzzin' about like pesky flies, and some scallywags be wonderin' if the government be keepin' a close eye on ‘em. “Shoot ‘em down!” cries one lad on Truth Social, but I say nay! Grabbin' yer shotgun ain't the answer, as it be illegal to meddle with any craft in the skies, be they manned or unmanned.Yarrr, America be havin' a drone dilemma! Some of these flying contraptions be harmless, while others be droppin’ off nasty cargo for the cartels. Our military be preparin' to counter these threats, but alas, the rest of the country be like a ship without a captain when it comes to defendin’ against these pesky aerial foes. With all sorts of shenanigans afoot, from military experiments to snoopy foreign adversaries, we be in a pickle!
So, what’s the call, Captain Trump? We need strong leadership and a plan quick-smart! The skies be teemin' with threats, and the good folk of New Jersey be squawkin' for action. With a bit o’ luck, let’s hope ol’ Trump and his crew can hoist the sails and tackle this drone menace before it be too late!