The Booty Report

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Arrr, Joe Concha be sayin' Trump be sailin’ smooth, claimin' victory over ABC and that landlubber Stephanopoulos! Har har!


Arrr! Media scallywag Joe Concha be sayin’ ABC’s choice to bury the hatchet in Trump’s defamation tale be yet another grand triumph for the ol' captain of the ship, that once and future ruler of the seas! Aye, what a jolly jest!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather round ye scallywags, for a tale of gold and folly from the treacherous waters of ABC News. This be no ordinary yarn; it be a $15 million treasure settled with none other than the boastful Donald Trump, the President-Elect himself! Aye, the left be wailin' like lost souls on a foggy night, as the settlement brought cheers from those with a pinch of common sense, as few be found among the rabble.

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