The Booty Report

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Arrr! Kevin Costner be quakin’ in his boots at the first table read, scared as a landlubber!


Arrr, matey! Denim Richards be tellin' tales of Kevin Costner, who quaked in his boots like a scurvy dog at the first table read! "Scared as hell!" he says, like a landlubber spyin' a ghost ship! Aye, even legends tremble before the mighty quill!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn o' the famed Kevin Costner, a legend with a presence mightier than a tempest at sea, though he be long departed from the "Yellowstone" ship! The cast be feelin' his ghostly aura as they wrap their fifth season.

Denim Richards, a lad whose character met a grim fate, recalls the first time he laid eyes on the grand Costner. When the crew gathered for a table read, in strode Costner, humbler than a parrot on a pirate’s shoulder. "I be scared as hell," he bellowed, lightenin' the room like a cannon fire, and brought a sense of camaraderie that would warm even the coldest buccaneer's heart!

Though the captain’s character, John Dutton, met his end due to pesky contract squabbles, whispers of a spinoff tale be afloat, and the crew’s spirits remain high! Cole Hauser, another salty dog aboard, spoke of the bond forged ‘mongst the crew and the joy it brings to families every Sunday, escapin’ their dreary lives for a taste of Montana.

So, hoist yer tankards in salute to the great Costner! His legacy be as enduring as the tides, and "Yellowstone" shall sail on, makin' merry for all who dare to tune in!

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