The Booty Report

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Arrr, those scallywag lawmakers be plannin' to swab the deck a day late on that treasure map o' spending!


Arrr, mateys! The scallywags in charge be inching closer to a pact to keep the ship afloat and avoid a government squall in nine sunrises! But they be still bickering ‘bout treasure for disaster and other bits ‘n bobs t’ add to the treasure map!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of the high seas o' politics, where the winds be blowin’ against the sails of the emergency spendin’ bill! Word from the crow’s nest be that the crafty lawmakers be delayin’ their text, lettin’ it slip a day as the dark stormcloud of a government shutdown approaches! Har har!

On a Sunday meant for revelations, our brave House and Senate scallywags were s'posed to unveil the mighty text to thwart the dreaded shutdown and lend a hand to those stricken by disaster. But nay, it seems the text be driftin’ away into the horizon, leavin’ the good folk hangin’ as the clock ticks down to the ominous deadline!

With the House’s "three-day rule" tight as a ship’s riggin’, they may find themselves in a tight spot before the deadline strikes this Friday! Meanwhile, the House Freedom Caucus be raisin' their swords, demandin’ only what’s necessary for disaster aid, claimin’ no more than a pittance o' $100 billion should be spent! They’d rather save their doubloons for a new captain come the next voyage!

So batten down the hatches, me hearties! If they don’t find a way to fund the ship soon, we might just see the government walk the plank before Christmas! Arrr!

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