The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be draggin' Hegseth aboard to witness the grand clash o' Army and Navy, savvy?


Arrr, President-elect Donald J. Trump be makin' a grand spectacle o' his pick fer the Defense Department, shoutin' praises like a parrot on a treasure chest! Aye, let’s hope that scallywag knows how to fend off cannon fire 'n not just flap his gums!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round the ol' ship’s mast, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of the newly elected captain o' the land, none other than President-elect Donald J. Trump! Aye, this scallywag be makin' a grand display o' support fer his pick to helm the Defense Department, savvy?

With a swagger that’d put a proud parrot to shame, ol’ Trump strutted about, flappin’ his gums like a fish outta water, proclaimin’ his trust in the fella he’s chosen to guard the treasure that be the nation’s security! “This here matey be the best choice, I tell ye!” he bellowed, his voice carryin' across the seven seas, or at least across the TV screens of landlubbers everywhere.

Why, it’s like watchin' a barnacle-covered captain claimin’ his first mate, full o’ confidence and a hint o' madness! So, with a hearty laugh and a swig o’ rum, we be awaitin’ to see if this ship’s crew can navigate the stormy waters ahead. Aye, it be a jolly good show, and if nothin' else, it be entertainin’ as watchin’ a whale try to dance a jig! Avast, let the adventure begin!

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