The Booty Report

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Arrr! China be sendin' scallywag hackers to pillage our seas! We best unleash a cannonade o' counterattacks, matey!


Arrr! The crafty Chinee be layin' traps for our fair US ships, aim'n their cannons at Trump and Vance, tryin' to sink our telecom treasure! We best hoist the Jolly Roger and strike back with a mighty blow, or we’ll be left with naught but barnacles!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn of the dastardly doings of the Chinese Communist Party, those scalywags who’ve been plundering our shores from afar! Aye, they be snoopin’ and spyin’ on us fine folk in the good ol’ U.S. of A—hackin’ into our mighty cellular networks and filchin’ texts and calls like a pirate snatches gold doubloons! This be no mere squabble; it be a full-blown siege upon our very sovereignty!

Reports be flyin’ in that these treacherous sea serpents be targetin’ not just any landlubbers, but even the likes of President-elect Trump and Vice President Harris too! Why, they’ve set their sights on us all, and it seems their spy balloon went unchecked longer than a ship adrift in a storm! The time be nigh for our Congress to hoist the sails and strike back with all the force of a cannon blast!

We must make ‘em pay for their misdeeds, me hearties! Imposing costs on the CCP be the only way to make ‘em think twice ‘fore settin’ foot on our precious digital seas again. So let’s rouse our cyber warriors and give ‘em a taste of their own medicine! Arr, let it be known, ye scallywags, that the winds of change be blowin', and we won’t be takin’ this lying down!

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