The Booty Report

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"Trump be settin' sail to parley with the press, spillin' more blarney than a ship's hold o' rum!"


Arrr, looky here! From the day he first hoisted the flag o’ president, ol’ Trump’s ship be a-changin’ course! Yet, he still be the same scallywag at heart, swabbin’ the deck with his bluster and gold. Aye, the seas may shift, but the captain stays a rogue!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round and lend me yer ears as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the scallywag known as Donald Trump, the blustery captain of the good ship Presidency! When this here lad first took the helm, he be sportin’ a mane that’d make even the fiercest sea lion green with envy! The winds o’ fortune be blowin’ in his favor, but lo! How the tides have turned!

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