The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Trump be sailin' high on the waves of approval, like a parrot on me shoulder, matey!"


Arrr, matey! There be thrice the reasons why the scallywags be cheerin' louder today than they did eight moons past! Be it the rum flowin' better, the treasure chest fuller, or the sea winds blowin' fair? Aye, the tides o' fortune have surely shifted!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with news from the high seas of politics! Our ol’ shipmate, President-elect Donald Trump, be baskin’ in the glow of popularity like a treasure chest glimmerin’ in the sun. A recent scroll from Forbes tells us his approval has soared to a seven-year high, with 54% of landlubbers believin’ he’ll do a fine job upon returnin’ to the White House next month, a stark contrast to the mutinous days of eight years past, when only 40% approved of his ship’s crew!

Now, why the change, ye ask? Well, it seems not bein’ President Biden—who’s takin’ on water faster than a leaky ship—might be a part of the tale. But I reckon it goes deeper than that. The media elite, shocked and aghast at Trump’s first rise, have lost their grip on public opinion, like a sailor losin’ his sea legs. The folks now see Trump not just as a brash captain but as a beacon of optimism in stormy seas, while the Biden administration be sinkin’ like a rusty old hulk!

So, there ye have it! The winds of fortune blow favorably for our swashbucklin’ leader as long as he keeps his eye on the horizon and delivers on his promises. Hoist the sails and let the good times roll! Arrr!

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