The Booty Report

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Arrr, Liz Peek be sayin' Biden's dodgin' drones be keepin' his promises tighter than a treasure chest! Har har!


Arrr, matey! President Biden's blunderin’ hath stirred the tempests o' fury 'mongst landlubbers and sea dogs alike—Republicans, Democrats, and even them scallywags at all levels! Aye, his muddlin’ o’ the drone riddle be a right hullabaloo! Aye, they be hotter than a pot o’ boiling grog!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the tempestuous seas of politics in the land of Biden. Our captain, Joe Biden, has united the crew of disgruntled sailors from both the red and blue flags, all riled up about a swarm of pesky drones buzzing 'round New Jersey and New York like seagulls after a fish fry!

While our White House parley falls flat, John Kirby, the ship's spokesperson, be ladling out tales that these be mere "manned aircraft" or "misidentified sights." Aye, and I've a bridge to sell ye! The good folk be brandishing videos and eyewitness tales that tell a different tale—a crew of drones as large as small ships, hovering over sacred ground!

Meanwhile, Homeland Security’s captain, Alejandro Mayorkas, declares they be harmless little drones, like those ye can buy at the market. But let’s be honest, if they were as innocent as claimed, why be the airfields shutting down like a ship in a storm?

In the face of it all, the Biden ship be sinking in a sea of mistrust, with the crew yelling for answers while the captain passes the buck! And with foes watching like hungry sharks, one wonders, what be the real tale behind those clouds of drones? Arrr, the mystery be thick as fog, and we’re left with more questions than a tavern full of drunken sailors! To the horizon we sail, but let’s hope for clear skies ahead!

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