The Booty Report

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"RFK Jr. be parleyin’ with more landlubber Republicans on the morrow! Avast, what mischief be brew’n?"


Arrr, this week, our swashbucklin' scallywag be settin' sail to parley with more than twenty landlubber senators! Aye, many a fine matey be all ears fer his grand tale o' wagin' the Health and Human Services ship. Let the rum flow and the laughter be hearty!

Ahoy, me hearties! This week, our fine lad be settin' sail to parley with a mighty crew of over 20 senators, savvy? Aye, many o' these landlubbers be keen to lend an ear to his grand tale o' ambition to commandeer the Health and Human Services Department. 'Tis a fine prize, indeed, and he be hopin' to convince 'em to hoist the sails in his favor!

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