The Booty Report

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Arrr! AOC be walkin' the plank as she loses the treasure map fer bein' the Grand Overseer o' the Democrats!


Arrr, matey! The New York swashbuckler’s fall be a jolly jest to the changing seas of the Democratic crew, as the House scallywags be pickin' sprightly young deckhands for the captain’s chair on other ships! Aye, the old be walkin’ the plank while the young take the helm!

Arrr mateys, gather ‘round and lend me yer ears! In the fair land of New York, a progressive scallywag met his match, bein’ tossed overboard in the grand ship of Democratic politics. Aye, it be a curious sight when younger crew members, sprightly and brash, gettin’ the captain’s hats while the old salts be shiverin’ in their boots!

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