The Booty Report

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"Avast, me hearties! ALEX RYVCHIN be spillin' the beans on leadin' through the stormy seas o' Australia's antisemitism!"


Arrr, mateys! Alex Ryvchin, the chief scallywag o’ the Aussie Jewry Council, be tellin’ ye swabs that ye landlubbers can take heed from Down Under’s blunders in shunin’ that pesky anti-Jewish hate. Best not let it fester like a barnacle on a ship's hull, savvy?

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale of Australia, a land where the winds of foreign policy be stirrin' up a tempest o' anti-Jewish ruckus! Since the dastardly Hamas raid on Israel on the seventh o’ October, the good folk of Australia’s Jewish community be feelin' the sting o' a 738% rise in antisemitic doin's! Aye, that be a number that'd make even the bravest sailor shiver in his boots!

With artists bein' doxxed and businesses takin' a batterin' from foul-mouthed scallywags, it’s a right sorry state of affairs! Who would’ve thought that the peaceful shores of Oz would see masked marauders shoutin' vile chants ’neath the Opera House, and flames lickin' the Adass Israel Synagogue? Built by those who fled the horrors of the Holocaust, the synagogue now lays in ruins, a grim reminder of an age gone by.

The ship's captain, Prime Minister Albanese, be under fire himself, accused of lettin' the antisemitic winds blow too strong, favorin' the voices of the many over the few. The Jewish community cycles through the stages o' grief like a round o’ rum – denial, despair, and a hearty dose of anger! So, hoist the sails of unity, me hearties, for a fairer wind must come to calm these stormy seas!

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