The Booty Report

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"Arrr, 'tis a fine sight, Clark! What be needed to set yon Griswold ship ablaze, eh?"


Arrr! The dazzling glow o' “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” left the Griswolds as blind as a bat, nearly sinkin' the power grid! But tell me, matey, what be the price o' such a spectacle, and how many krakens' worth o' energy be needed to keep it blazin'?

Arrr matey! Gather 'round ye scallywags, for I be tellin' ye the tale of the Griswold clan and their bright folly! In the grand spectacle of “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” the Griswolds set sail on a quest more dangerous than the fiercest storm – a blazin’ light display that could put the stars to shame!

Now, ye see, this display be a dazzling sight, aye, but it nearly sent the power grid to Davy Jones’ locker! The count of bulbs be more than a ship's crew on a drunken night, and talk of costs be enough to make a pirate weep gold doubloons. 'Tis no mere trinket, but a fortune fit for a king, or perhaps a pirate captain wantin’ to impress his fair lass.

Ye wonder how much power such a spectacle would need? Well, it be like askin' a whale how much water it can gulp! The answer be a heapin’ lot, enough to power a whole fleet of ships or light up a tavern on a stormy night. So, raise yer tankards to the Griswolds, who dared the dark with their twinklin' lights, for they be the true buccaneers of holiday cheer! Yarrr!

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