The Booty Report

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Arrr, RFK Jr. be settin' sail back to Capitol Hill, shoutin' 'Make America Healthy Again!' Like a scallywag's diet plan!


Avast! Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the soon-to-be health czar, be sailin’ the seas o’ Congress, chattin’ with mateys from the Senate. Some scallywags be tryin’ to rope him into their crew, hopin’ to keep his sway as steady as a ship’s anchor! Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale o' Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the jolly fellow chosen by the president-elect to be the grand health secretary! Aye, this week, he’s been gallivantin’ about, parleyin’ with a merry band o’ Senate Republicans, lookin’ to weave his spell of influence into the very fabric o’ Congress itself!

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