The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Eighty scurvy oysters made landlubbers queasy at a Los Angeles feast, say the landlocked officials!"


Arrr, matey! The Health Department be claimin' that the scallywag feast at the 101 Best Restaurants shivered yer timbers with a mighty outbreak, thanks to some treacherous oysters now walkin' the plank! Best beware the briny treats lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!

Arrr matey, gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale o' culinary calamity! The scallywags at the county Health Department be shoutin' like a parrot on a hot summer's day, spillin' the beans 'bout a foul outbreak that set sail at the grand 101 Best Restaurants shindig. Aye, it seems them tasty morsels o’ oysters be the culprit, leadin' to a sea of unhappy bellies!

In a twist fit for Davy Jones himself, these slippery sea creatures were linked to a greater plague that has since been recalled faster than a ship bein' chased by a kraken. The folks who partook in the festivities be feelin' the wrath of Poseidon, thinkin' they be enjoyin' a banquet but instead findin' themselves trapped in a storm o’ gut-wrenchin' woe!

So, me hearties, mark me words: next time ye be chasin' after oysters, make sure they be fresh and not a ticket to the high seas of discomfort! Raise yer tankards to the Health Department for soundin' the alarm, and beware the perils of the dinner table, for not all treasure be silver and gold—sometimes, it be a bellyache instead!

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