The Booty Report

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Arrr, Hillary be sayin' the GOP be takin' orders from Davy Jones' gold hoarder to scuttle the government ship!


Arrr, former landlubber Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, be spoutin’ her thoughts on the scallywag Elon Musk's sway over the treasure chest tussle in the halls of Congress! Aye, 'tis a right jolly show when the rich be causin' a ruckus, eh?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of one Hillary Clinton, a former matron of state, who be spouting her thoughts on the tempestuous seas of Capitol Hill, where the likes of Elon Musk be stirring the pot! Arrr, she be claimin’ the Republican crew, under the spell of this richest scallywag, be threatenin’ to scuttle the government, leavin’ our brave sailors and hungry landlubbers in a lurch come Christmas.

As the ship of Congress be settin' sail under Captain Mike Johnson, he unveiled a new map to navigate these troubled waters, tryin’ to keep the ship afloat past the midnight deadline. But alas! The Democrat crew be raisin’ their voices in dissent, shoutin' “hell no!” like a pack of raucous seagulls, as they face off against Musk’s mighty influence, claimin’ him to be a new branch of this unruly government!

With a mountain of debts weighin’ down the ship and the threat of a shutdown loom’n like a dark storm cloud, the chatter of “more debt, more government” echoes through the hull. So, will this latest resolution chart a course for calm seas or shall we be set adrift? Only the winds of politics can tell, me mateys! Arrr!

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