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Arrr, matey! Democrats be thinkin' Biden's absence be just dandy—no ruckus fer him to hoist the anchor back!


Arrr, me hearties! Politico be shoutin' that them congressional Democrats be quite jolly with Captain Biden wanderin' off while the specter of a government shutdown be lurkin’ like a scallywag! Aye, they be fine as a ship on calm seas!

Ahoy me hearties! It be a fine day for a tale of the high seas of politics, where the captain, President Biden, be scuttlin' about like a ghost on a foggy night! A report from the landlubbers at Politico reveals that while the crew be battlin' over the treasure of government funds, ol' Biden be makin' himself scarce, and the Democrats be fine with it!

The scallywags in the party ain't exactly clamorin' for their captain’s return. While the winds of change blow strong with Trump and Musk steerin' the ship, Biden be loungin' in his Delaware lair, silent as a ship without sails. Even the brave Rep. Mark Takano be confessin' he hasn’t heard a peep from the captain, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries be playin' coy about contact, as if he be hidin’ treasure maps!

As the Democrats gather for their strategy, they seem to be more concerned about ‘President Musk’ than their own captain. Aye, they be hopin' to pin any blame for a potential shutdown on Trump and that techie rogue Musk, leavin’ Biden to lounge in the shadows. It seems while he still holds the wheel, the real command be in the hands of others, and the crew be wonderin' if their captain be a tad slower than before! Yarrr, what a merry mess on the political seas!

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