The Booty Report

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Arrr, them Senate scallywags be wantin’ Epshteyn to spill the beans on his gold-for-favors shenanigans!


Arrr! The cap'ns o' the Finance, Judiciary, and Banking crews be demandin' tales from a scallywag lawyer o' Trump, accused o' shakin' down landlubbers fer gold doubloons to join his crew! Blimey, what a scurvy business on the high seas o' politics!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn from the stormy seas of politics! The chieftains o' the Finance, Judiciary, and Banking Committees be summonin’ a lawyer of that scallywag Trump, accusin’ him o’ pullin’ a fast one. Aye, it seems he be soliciting doubloons from the finest landlubbers who might be settin’ sail in his administration.

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