The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mads Mikkelsen be yearnin' to act as a zombie, ye scurvy landlubbers!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! He's been Hannibal Lecter, a foul sorcerer, and a scallywag in a Rihanna moving picture... so why not add another to his tally? Yarr, that be the spirit!

Arrr, me hearties! Have ye heard the news? That actor fella, Mads Mikkelsen, be takin' on the role of that infamous pirate, Captain Hook! Aye, ye heard me right! He's been Hannibal Lecter, an evil sorcerer, and the bad guy in a Rihanna video... so why not?

Now, some may argue that Hook be a character best left to the likes of Dustin Hoffman or even the late, great Robin Williams. But I say, give the man a chance, ye scallywags! He's got the talent and the smoldering gaze to pull it off.

And let's not forget, Hook is a pirate through and through. And what actor knows piracy better than Mikkelsen, who sailed the seven seas as the menacing One-Eye in "Valhalla Rising"?

So, me hearties, let's raise a tankard of rum to Mads Mikkelsen and his new adventure as Captain Hook. If he can make us shiver our timbers as Hannibal the Cannibal, then surely he'll have us walking the plank with his portrayal of the dastardly Hook.

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