The Booty Report

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"Arrr, this JRPG by the swashbuckling creator of Dragon Ball be akin to the sands of Dune!"


"Arrr, me mateys! Hear ye hear ye, this JRPG from the creator of Dragon Ball seems to be akin to Dune, aye! But do ye know what's better than sandworms? Booty, of course! Let's set sail and find some treasure, me hearties!"

Ahoy me hearties! Word on the high seas is that there be a new JRPG in town that be sounding mighty familiar. The creator of the legendary Dragon Ball be behind this game that be drawing comparisons to the epic tale of Dune.

Now, ye may be wondering what in Davy Jones' locker this means. Well, me mateys, it seems that this game be featuring a world where factions be fighting for control of valuable resources, much like the story of Dune. And just like in Dune, there be a chosen one who has the power to change everything.

But fear not, me hearties! This ain't no copycat game. This here JRPG be having its own unique story and characters, including a cast of pirates who be sailing the seven seas. And let's not forget about the epic battles that be taking place, with swords and magic flying every which way.

So, if ye be a fan of Dragon Ball or Dune, or if ye just be looking for a swashbuckling adventure, then this here JRPG be worth checking out. But be warned, me mateys, the journey may be long and treacherous. But ain't that what makes it all the more exciting? Arrrr!

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