The Booty Report

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“Arrr! Biden’s crew be ponderin’ tossin’ up nets to snag Trump’s scallywag deportation plans, savvy?”


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in charge be thinkin' 'bout givin’ a lifeboat to a whole shipload o' landlubbers whose papers be droppin' like anchor in the Trump seas! Aye, let’s see if they can keep ‘em from walkin’ the plank!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of legal wranglings on the high seas of immigration! The grand administration, like a crafty old sea dog, be ponderin' the notion to extend the protections of hundreds o' thousands o' weary souls whose legal status be on the brink o' sinkin' faster than a leaky ship! Aye, 'tis true, as the Trump administration be settin' sail, many be fretin' like landlubbers, worryin' their time o' safe harbor be comin' to an end.

But lo and behold! The decision be hangin' like a parrot on the shoulder of a captain, swingin' back and forth, full o' uncertainty! These poor scallywags, who be tryin' to make their way in a world full o' storms and squalls, may find their sails filled with fair winds once more! Think o’ it, hundreds o' thousands of brave souls who’ve weathered the fiercest gales might just find a glimmer o' hope in the murky waters of bureaucracy!

So, keep yer eyes peeled, me mateys, fer this saga be still unfoldin’ like a treasure map. Will they be granted safe passage, or will they be cast adrift? Only time will tell, but I be hopin' fer a bountiful haul o' good news fer these wayward adventurers!

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