The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! Rumors swirl o' a soda swap at Costco in 2025—'tis makin' the crew mighty glad!


Arrr, matey! Rumor be blowin' through the sails that Costco be settin' sail back to Coca-Cola in its grub havens by 2025! Aye, the crew be chasin' the news with glee, ready to raise a tankard o' fizzy treasure! Yarrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale from the swirling seas of social media, where whispers be swirling that Costco, that grand bazaar of bulk, be makin' a switch from the Pepsi brew to the famed Coca-Cola in its food courts come early 2025!

It all started with a message from the trusty crew at Costco Insider on December 17, 2024, proclaiming the joyous news. After more than a decade of sippin’ on the Pepsi plunder, they be hoistin' the sails for Coke, Coke Zero, and Sprite instead of that Starry nonsense!

The yarn goes that Costco had switched to Pepsi back in 2013 to keep their famed dollar-and-a-half hot dog and soda deal afloat, a treasure that’s remained untouched since the 1980s! Their CFO even declared to the masses that the price be “safe!”

Word on the deck says that 87% of Costco’s loyal crew be favorin’ the Coke over the rival brew, with many shanties sung on social media about the return of the fizzy elixir. However, not all hearts be full of cheer, as one soul lamented the news on Reddit, claiming to be the lone soul grievin’ the loss of Pepsi.

So, keep yer eyes peeled and your mugs ready, for the ship of Coca-Cola be comin' to port at Costco soon enough! Arrr!

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