The Booty Report

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"Captain Biden hoists the sails on treasure, buryin' the shutdown rumble! Avast, the gold flows once more!"


Arrr, matey! Though Biden's mark be scribbled 'pon the parchment after the clock struck twelve, fear not! His crafty quill kept the treasure chest of government gold from going dry. No scallywags runnin' amok without their doubloons! Aye, ‘tis a jolly good save, that be!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of the grand capitol, where the mighty President Biden, in all his wisdom, be wieldin' a quill like a cutlass! Just as the clock struck midnight, and the specter of doom loomed over the land, he put pen to parchment, savin' us from the treacherous waters of a government shutdown.

Now, ye see, the deadline be like a fearsome kraken, ready to drag us to Davy Jones’ locker! But lo and behold, our Captain Biden, with a flourish fit for the high seas, signed that document just in the nick o' time, keepin' the treasure chests of government funds flowin' like rum at a pirate’s feast.

Though the ink may have dried a tad late, fear not, for the ship of state sailed on without a hitch! No lapsin' of funds nor plunderin' of grog, thanks to our brave leader's swift action. So raise yer tankards high and toast to the fine art of last-minute savin's! For in the world of politics, if ye can dodge a shutdown like a crafty sailor dodges cannon fire, ye be truly worthy of the title, 'Captain of the Crew!' Arrr!

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