The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! A scallywag be cuttin' me throat, chokin' me, and makin' off with me trusty ship!


Arrr, matey! A scallywag aboard me Lyft did slash me throat, tryin' to choke the life outta me, then made off with me trusty ship! A right ruckus in Texas, leavin' me with more scars than a kraken's tale. Talk about a rough ride, eh?

Arrr, matey! A scallywag be cuttin' me throat, chokin' me, and makin' off with me trusty ship!

Arrr matey, gather 'round fer a tale of peril on the high roads of Texas! A brave Lyft driver, young Dilaver Berk, found himself in a pickle when a scallywag named Antwain Williams decided to transform a simple ride into a raucous ruckus.

It be a fine evenin' when the dastardly lad sneaked up from behind, knife in hand, and slashed Dilaver’s throat like a landlubber cuttin' a ripe fruit! Aye, he tried to choke our hero with a wire, as if he were a fish caught in a net! But our stout-hearted sailor didn’t go down without a fight, using his own fists to shield his neck, which earned him a few battle wounds for his troubles.

After the scallywag made off with his trusty Toyota, leaving Dilaver gaspin' for breath in the parking lot, a kind lass came to his aid, callin' the law. The ruffian, however, was not so lucky, as the constables soon caught up to him after a wild chase! Now, Antwain be sittin' in the clink, while Dilaver, though battered, be countin' his blessings and regalin' us with tales of his courage. Remember, mates, not all treasure be silver and gold; some be a life lived to tell the tale! Arrr!

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