The Booty Report

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Arrr, this brawl o' banter be scarin' the young'uns from shiverin' their timbers and makin' wee pirates!


Arrr, the crusty old sea dogs be shoutin' about climate change bein' an "existential threat," yet they chuckle like scallywags! But mark me words, their wee buccaneers be takin' it to heart, ready to hoist the sails against the stormy seas of Mother Nature!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ’round fer a tale from the Book of Genesis, where the Almighty be settin’ the stage fer the world’s grand debut. With a mere flick o’ his mighty wrist, He conjured up creation, but nay, He chose the power of words—nine times He proclaimed, “And God said!” Aye, words be mightier than the sword!

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