The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Five mighty steps fer the new Trump crew to hoist America’s health back to sea, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! The fresh crew in the captain’s quarters be havin’ a grand chance to hoist the sails of change, puttin’ the well-bein’ of landlubbers first, demandin’ ‘em take the helm of their own health, and makin’ the good ol’ U.S. of A. shine brighter than a doubloon!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the state o' our landlubber health care! This doc, a mighty fine physician, be lamentin’ the sorry state of our health system, worse than a bilge rat in a storm since the year 2020. The new captain o' the ship, the presidential administration, has a fine chance to steer us right with five grand steps!

First, let the winds o' the free market blow through health care! Cut the chains of regulations and let competition reign, lowerin' costs like a humble treasure chest! Second, let every hospital publish their prices, so patients can compare their booty without worryin' about insurance snafus. Third, no one should walk the plank into bankruptcy fer emergency care; let insurance cover all, no exceptions!

Fourth, let Health Savings Accounts flow like rum, allowin’ folks to spend on their health, even for joggin' shoes! Lastly, we must fight the scurvy of chronic illnesses by encouragin’ healthy choices with tax breaks and better grub subsidies.

Thus, with bold moves and a spirit o’ freedom, this administration could hoist our health care to new heights, where the only thing we fear be the Kraken, not the cost of care!

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