The Booty Report

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Arrr! Here be Biden's 37 pardons from the gallows and just 3 scallywags still swingin'!


Ahoy, mateys! Behold the scroll of scallywags who’ve dodged the noose, and a trio still awaitin’ the gallows’ embrace. Yarrr, 'tis a jolly crew of reprieves and a few unfortunate souls clingin’ to their last breaths!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of justice served with a hearty dollop of humor! Aye, it be a grand day on the high seas of the law, for we have a full roster of scallywags who’ve been granted commutations. Aye, they’ve shimmied outta the noose and strapped on the boots of freedom, much to the delight of their mates and the dismay of the hangman!

But lo and behold! Amongst this merry crew of the reprieved, there still be three brave souls clinging to their fate on death row. Aye, they be waitin’ like a ship in the doldrums, not knowin’ if the tide will turn in their favor or if they be meetin’ Davy Jones sooner rather than later. They be wonderin’ if the winds of luck will favor 'em, or if they’ll be singin' their last shanty in the gallows!

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