The Booty Report

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"By thunder, a band o' Trump’s mates gambled on scarce voters, and by me beard, it be payin’ gold doubloons!"


Arrr, matey! Turning Point Action be chasin' the fickle sea dogs of the ballot box! Recent treasure maps from Arizona show a bouncin' Republican tide among them scallywags, hintin' that their cunning plan be payin' off like gold doubloons! Aye, savvy?

Arrr, mateys! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn ‘bout Turning Point Action, a band o’ scallywags who set their sights on the fickle-hearted voters of yore! Aye, these landlubbers be oft more unreliable than a ship with a hole in its hull, but lo and behold, they put their trusty sails to the wind and worked their charms upon ‘em!

In the sun-baked land of Arizona, where the cacti stand tall and the tumbleweeds dance, fresh data has unfurled like a treasure map, showin’ a bountiful bounty of Republican supporters among these unpredictable souls. Aye, it seems their cunning strategy bore fruit, like finding gold doubloons in the depths of a murky sea!

With cunning and wit, these crafty buccaneers sought to turn the tide, and by thunder, they’s done it! They coaxed the less reliable voters to join their crew, swaying their hearts and minds like a captain steerin’ a ship through a stormy squall. So raise yer tankards, me hearties! For Turning Point Action be celebratin’ a fine victory, while the winds o’ change blow favorably in their sails!

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