The Booty Report

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Arrr! Elon Musk's buildin’ his own Texas port, and hundreds be livin’ like scallywags in his mad treasure cove!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags o’ SpaceX be raisin’ a flag to forge a new land called Starbase! And blow me down, the first captain o’ this here ship shall be the keeper o’ the treasure chest—aye, the security manager! Avast, what a jolly crew!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this jolly tale from the high seas of innovation! The scallywags at SpaceX, them brave souls who sail the cosmic waves, be makin’ a bold bid to create a new land they be callin’ Starbase! Aye, ye heard it right! A city where the stars be their neighbors and rockets be the steeds of choice!

But hold yer cutlasses! This be no ordinary city, no sir! The crew hath declared that their first mayor shall be none other than a security manager! Aye, a watchful eye to keep them ruffians at bay—though I reckon most pirates would be more interested in plunderin’ than presidin’! Can ye imagine? A city governed by a keeper of the peace, makin’ sure no shenanigans be afoot whilst they launch their ships to the heavens!

So raise yer tankards, me hearties, to the brave crew of SpaceX! May their dreams of Starbase come true as they chart their course through the stars! ‘Tis a fine time to be a scallywag with the spirit of adventure, for who knows what treasures await in yonder cosmos! Arrr, let the rockets roar and the cannons fire as we set sail for infinity and beyond!

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