The Booty Report

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Arrr, Trump be settin' sail to tussle with a feisty Iran, all wobbly yet stubborn like a drunken sea dog!


Arrr, matey! It be a fine pickle fer Tehran! They can either parley and dismantle their shiny nuclear treasure, or we’ll be makin’ 'em walk the plank and force it apart! Choices, choices, says the scallywag!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears, fer I be spin an yarn o' mighty significance from the distant shores of Tehran! Arrr, it seems the landlubbers in charge be caught betwixt a rock and a hard place, like a scallywag with a parrot on his shoulder and no treasure to be found!

Now, this fancy term called "coercive diplomacy" be floatin' about like a ghost ship in the fog. It be givin' ol' Tehran two choices, savvy? First, they can negotiate the disassembly o' their nuclear contraptions, like takin' apart a ship's cannon, piece by piece, to avoid a mighty blast. Aye, they might just fancy a civil chat over rum and biscuits!

But should they choose to be stubborn as a mule on a sinking ship, then they face the second option—forced disassembly! Arrr, that be a right nasty prospect, akin to a pirate boardin' another vessel and demandin' the treasure at swordpoint! Whether they be negotiatin' or havin' their toys taken away by force, one thing be certain: the seas o' diplomacy be choppy and full of peril! So, hoist the sails and keep a weather eye, fer this tale be far from over!

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