The Booty Report

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Arrr! Netanyahu be givin' a hearty warning to them Houthis, like a captain seekin' to sink scallywags!


Arrr, matey! Former Israeli swabs be chattin' 'bout the chance of settin' their sights on the Houthi captains, just like they did with those scallywags from Hamas and Hezbollah. Avast, it be a game of cat 'n' mouse on the high seas o' mischief!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with news from the treacherous waters of the Middle East! In the bustling port of Tel Aviv, negotiations be afoot, as landlubbers seek a trade of hostages for a cease-fire with the scallywags of Hamas. Meanwhile, the fine folks of Israel be settin’ their sights on them dirty Houthis a’Yemen, lookin’ to clip their sails and send 'em to Davy Jones’ locker!

Retired Major General Amos Yadlin be shoutin’ from the crow’s nest, “Let’s unleash our cannons on those Houthi landlubbers!” Targeted killings be on the table, if’n the intel be right, so those pesky leaders ought to be shiverin’ in their boots. Just recently, Israeli forces sent the notorious Nasrallah and Sinwar to meet their maker, and now the Houthis be quakin’ in fear!

But heed this—strikin’ from afar be no easy feat! Aye, it takes more than a barrel of rum and a trusty map; it requires precise knowledge of which ship to sink! The distance to Yemen be stretchin’ the Israeli air force to its limits, but they be warnin’ the Houthis, “We’ll send ye to the depths if ye keep it up!” So keep yer eyes peeled, mates, for the winds of war be blowin’ fierce, and the seas be risin’! Arrr!

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