The Booty Report

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"Avast ye! Local scallywags squabble: help or hinder the Trumpster's plan to send the landlubbers a'packin'!"


Arrr, me hearties! The townsfolk be squabblin’ 'bout sharin’ rum with them immigration scallywags. In San Diego, the sheriff be swearin’ to toss the new policy overboard, lettin’ migrants sail free! What a jolly ruckus on the high seas of law!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be spinnin' a yarn 'bout the ruckus in the sunny shores of San Diego, where the good folk be clashin' like swords o'er the matter of them immigrants! A mighty tempest brews in the heart o' the community, with some landlubbers wishin’ to lend a hand to these weary travelers, whilst others be as stubborn as a barnacle on a ship's hull.

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