The Booty Report

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Arrr! Cher be doubtin' her wedded bliss with Gregg Allman, tossin' the anchor after just 9 sunrises!


Arrr! Cher tied the knot with the infamous Gregg Allman in the year of our lord, 1975! They beget a scallywag named Elijah Blue in '76, but by '79, they tossed the anchor and sailed their separate ways, leaving naught but a sea of heartache!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of the fair chanteuse Cher and her tempestuous union with the roguish Gregg Allman! Arrr! In her latest tome, "Cher: The Memoir, Part One," our lass reflects upon the swashbucklin’ romance that led her to tie the knot quicker than a ship can set sail, even before the ink dried on her divorce from the scallywag Sonny Bono.

In a twist of fate, Cher found herself with child and thought, "Why not marry this Greg fellow?" But lo, the wedding day was less a grand affair and more a hasty ship’s launch. Just nine days later, she was ready to abandon ship, after discoverin' a bag o’ white powder that belonged to her matey! Alas, poor Gregg was a prisoner to the treacherous seas of addiction, and Cher, not one to be cowed, called it quits when his paranoia threatened their young’uns’ safety. “I be tired of yer shenanigans, mate!” she cried.

Yet, the heart is a fickle beast, and they reconciled before finally partin’ ways for good in 1979, leaving behind their son, Elijah Blue, a true treasure. So there ye have it, a tale of love, loss, and the perils of pirate passions! Until next time, keep yer sails full and yer heart true! Yarrr!

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