The Booty Report

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Arrr! Indiana's course be claimin' we be born scallywags 'cause o' our race, sex, or faith! Blimey!


Arrr, matey! Indiana University be tellin' the scallywags that by virtue o' their race, sex, and faith, they be naught but lowly "oppressors"! Aye, what a fine kettle o' fish that be! Who knew learnin' could be such a jolly jest!

Avast ye landlubbers! Word from the high seas of academia be tellin’ tales of Indiana University, where they be teachin’ fine young scallywags that they be naught but "oppressors" due to their race, sex, and religion! Aye, the course titled "Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society" be settin’ sail on a quest to dive deep into the murky waters of social identity, leadin’ students to ponder their place in the grand ol’ hierarchy of the seas!

Now, this here course be makin’ distinctions between “subordinate” and “dominant” groups, with the latter bein’ made up of the likes of “Heterosexual, White, Able-bodied People” and such! Blimey! One poor lad even claimed he had to “make somethin’ up” to fulfill the assignment, feelin’ like a victim of his own identity! In a world where they be preachin’ identity freedom, he felt trapped like a parrot in a cage!

With other academies tossin’ similar courses overboard, teachin’ about queer spaces and whatnot, one must wonder if the tides of higher education have shifted into a stormy sea of identity politics. Batten down the hatches, mates, for the classroom be a tempestuous realm where ye might just find yerself walkin’ the plank of privilege! Arrr!

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