The Booty Report

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Arrr! Trump be settin' sail with Miami's own Cabrera as ambassador to Panama, savvy? A right jolly choice, me hearties!


Arrr, matey! The soon-to-be captain of the ship, Trump, has chosen the bold buccaneer Kevin Marino Cabrera from Miami-Dade to parley as ambassador to Panama, dubbing him a “fierce fighter.” Let’s see if he can swab the deck with diplomacy, eh? Avast!

Ahoy, me hearties! The news be blowin’ in like a tempest on the high seas! President-elect Trump be settin’ sail with a bold choice for ambassador to Panama, pickin’ none other than Kevin Marino Cabrera, a Miami-Dade County Commissioner! Trump be callin’ this fine lad a "fierce fighter," ready to hoist the "MAGA flag" high in Central America!

"Aye, Kevin be a true buccaneer for America First!" Trump did declare. “As a commissioner and a Vice Chairman of the International Trade Consortium, he be navigatin’ the treacherous waters of economic growth and international partnerships!” The captain of the good ship Trump also noted Cabrera’s valor during the 2020 campaign, where he steered the vessel to victory in Florida!

But lo! Trump’s words were sharper than a cutlass. He accused Panama of plunderin’ the Panama Canal, "rippin’ us off beyond their wildest dreams!" He even warned of Chinese scallywags lurkin’ about, makin’ off with the treasures whilst the U.S. be sinkin’ gold into repairs.

Cabrera, with a heart as big as the ocean, humbly thanked Trump for the honor. "Let’s get to work!" he exclaimed, ready to chart a course for success. Aye, this be a tale of ambition and adventure on the political seas! Arrr!

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