The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr! Fox News be spoutin’ tales: 'I danced with Davy Jones,' quoth the ex-Hamas captive! Avast, what a yarn!"


Arrr, matey! The Fox News' "Antisemitism Exposed" scroll be spillin’ the beans on the wicked tide of anti-Jewish shenanigans settin’ sail across the seven seas of the U.S. and beyond! Batten down the hatches, for the news be darker than a stormy night on the high seas!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales from the treacherous seas of current events! Fox News be shiverin' the timbers with their "Antisemitism Exposed" newsletter, alertin' us to the dark clouds of anti-Jewish prejudice lurkin' o'er the lands. Aye, here be the top three tales of woe:

First, a desperate plea from Aviva Siegel, the wife of the American hostage, seekin' a holiday miracle to rescue her husband from the clutches of the scallywags known as Hamas. They've been trapped for more than 440 days, arrr!

Next, the savvy Trump be nominatin' Harmeet K. Dhillon to lead the Justice Department's civil rights division, makin' Ivy League schools quiver in their boots as she battles antisemitism at every port, eh!

Lastly, news from the dark depths of Iran, where young lads be recruited to attack Israeli targets across Europe like a band of misfit pirates, aye!

The seas be rough, but there be hope on the horizon, as brave souls like Aviva share their harrowing tales of survival. Remember, ye landlubbers, the fight against prejudice be as fierce as a cannon blast, so stand tall and keep the sails high!

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