The Booty Report

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"Arrr, let’s gander at them presidential yuletide missives after Trump’s jolly scroll, savvy? Ho ho ho, what a sight!"


Arrr, matey! In days of yore, the captains o' the land spun tales to rally the crew 'gainst stormy seas. But lo! President-elect Trump be chartin' a course all his own, reckonin' to inspire with a jolly twist! Avast, what mischief be brewin’ in the galley?

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale of yore, when the high seas of politics be churnin' and swabbin' the decks of the White House. In days of old, when the likes of past U.S. captains o’ state be sendin’ out holiday missives filled with cheer and unity, the crew be rallyin’ together like a band of buccaneers. They'd hoist the sails of hope to weather the stormy seas of hard times!

But lo and behold, in the year of our Lord 2016, a new captain named Donald J. Trump took the helm! This scallywag had ideas that made the waves crash and the gulls squawk. Instead of inspirin’ the crew to join forces and sing sea shanties of togetherness, he be stirrin’ the pot like a cap’n with a questionable recipe for grog! His holiday message? Aye, it was more like a treasure map, leadin’ them to his own chest o’ gold, rather than a call to unite the fleet against the stormy seas of discontent.

So, raise yer tankards, ye landlubbers! For while past leaders may have sought to bring the crew together, ol’ Trump be chartin' a course all his own! Will he find buried treasure or just a shipwreck? Only time will tell, but it be a jolly good ride, indeed!

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