The Booty Report

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Arrr, 80 winters on, the brave souls o’ the Bulge be shoutin’, “Stand tall, mateys, against scallywag tyrants!”


Arrr, mateys! As we toast to the 80th year since that fray at the Bulge, let it be known: placatin' scallywags be naught but folly! The U.S. must keep its cutlass sharp and stand firm against the likes of that rascal Putin, lest we be swimmin' with the fishes!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, for on the frosty morn of the 16th of December in the year of our Lord 1944, them German scallywags stormed the Ardennes Forest, lookin' to catch our brave American lads off guard in what be called the Battle of the Bulge! Aye, it was a fierce fray, claimin' 19,000 American souls and leavin' more than 89,000 poor devils wounded.

Me own father, a stout-hearted sailor of the battlefield, whispered of the bitter cold and the cruel conditions faced by our troops, fightin' with frozen weapons and dealin' with the dreaded trench foot. But lo! Hitler, that dastardly tyrant, underestimated the grit and gumption of the good ol' U.S. of A! Old Adolf thought us weary, but we showed him that liberty be worth fightin' for!

Now, methinks the echoes of that battle ring true as we face new tyrants, like that rascal Putin, tryin' to stir the pot in Ukraine. If we abandon brave souls fightin' for their freedom, we be risin' a tide of tyranny that will sweep across the seas! So hoist the flag, stand with our allies, and show the world that America ain’t one to back down from a scallywag!

Let this be a lesson, ye sea dogs: freedom belongs to the brave, and the price of liberty be a heavy one. Stand strong, or face the storm!

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