The Booty Report

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Arrr! Swabs be settlin’ in, while Covid’s chains be broke—now we’ve got a hull full o’ landlubber beggars!


Avast! There be over 770,000 scallywags wanderin' the streets, a hearty 18 percent more than last year’s motley crew! Blimey, the seas be rough for landlubbers without a roof, matey! Aye, ’tis no treasure to be found in this sad tale!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I bring ye tidings from the landlubber towns! Ye see, the scallywags who find themselves sleepin' under the stars, and not by choice, hath climbed to a staggering number—over 770,000 salty souls! That's more than a fleet o' ships, I tell ye! A rise of more than 18 percent from the year past; it be a right troublesome tide, I say!

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