The Booty Report

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Arrr! Captain Biden’s crew be squabblin’, the Windy City’s mayor be fightin’ Trump, and Fox News be spoutin’ tales!


Avast, me hearties! Set yer eyes upon the freshest tales from Fox News Opinion, an’ feast yer peepers on the antics of Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo, an’ a crew of scallywags! Grab yer grog an’ enjoy the show, or be walkin' the plank! Yarrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin a yarn 'bout the ruckus that be brewin' in the land o' politics! First up, our matey Hannity be chattin' 'bout the final days of Captain Biden's voyage; he be thinkin' the crew’s been gaslighted more than a ship’s lantern on a dark night!

Then there’s Hugh Hewitt, callin' it a politburo strike, as if we be in a tavern brawl instead o' the White House! And lo, Bernie Sanders pipes up, settin' sail on the seas of Two Americas where the common folk be at odds with the treasure-hoardin' billionaires!

The Democrats, bless their scallywag hearts, be needin' to stitch up their sails and find a new captain, lest they be lost at sea! And if Trump be comin' back on deck, he’s got a list—five steps to make America healthy again, or so he claims!

Raymond Arroyo ain't holdin' back either, takin' a swipe at the pardons of death row swabs. And what’s this? Chicago’s Mayor Johnson be resistin' the Trump tide; perhaps he fears his ship’ll capsize!

Lastly, the call for both drones and F-35s rings out, like the cannon fire of a mighty ship, for the next war! So, raise yer tankards high, me hearties, for the political seas be as turbulent as ever! Arrr!

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