Arrr! A great chasm in New Jersey be swallowin' I-80, like a rum-soaked sailor into Davy Jones' locker!
Arrr matey! The scallywags of the road crew be toil’n day and night, fixin’ the great gash in Interstate 80, lest ye find yerself swallowed by Davy Jones' locker! The eastbound lanes be closed tighter than a clam's backside, savvy?
Arrr mateys! A curious tale be unfoldin' in the land of northern New Jersey, where the good ye olde Interstate 80 be stricken by a monstrous sinkhole, big enough to swallow a ship whole! Aye, on Friday, the road crews be workin' like a crew of scallywags tryin' to patch a rickety sail, but when the eastbound lanes be reopenin', it be still up in the air like a parrot on a mast.The highway’s guardrail be dancin' in the breeze, hangin' precariously over a gaping maw of a 40-foot-wide hole, caused by the treacherous collapse of an abandoned mine beneath the asphalt. 'Twas a disaster fit for a pirate’s tall tale! Now, motorists be takin’ a detour near Wharton, which be about 40 nautical miles west of New York City, arrr!
The brave crew of road fixers be workin’ around the clock, shovelin’ and diggin’ to restore the way for landlubbers. But beware, ye drivers! Expect delays aplenty and chart a course along alternate routes, for the timing of the repairs be dependin’ on the whims of the weather gods. So hoist yer sails and steer clear of the chaos, ye salty sea dogs!