The Booty Report

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Avast! A good matey from Arizona be found near a charred ship—err, vehicle—on a dusty path! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! A jolly soul, called a good Samaritan by the landlubbers, was discovered cold as the sea next to a fiery chariot in the desert of Arizona on Christmas Eve! Aye, even the flames couldn’t warm his spirit! What a merry tale, eh?

Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags, for I bring ye a tale of woe from the shores of Arizona! On a fateful Christmas Eve, a goodly lad by the name of Paul Clifford, a true-hearted Samaritan, met his grim fate near a smolderin' ship—er, vehicle—on a rugged dirt path, ye see.

It be said that at the stroke of one-thirty in the morn, the Pima County deputies set sail to investigate suspicious goings-on, only to find a tale of misfortune linked to a stolen chariot. Rumor has it, a nefarious knave approached our hero for aid with a troublesome steed, and alas, poor Paul vanished like treasure in Davy Jones' locker!

His kin, worried like lions on the prowl, reported him missin', not knowin' the dark fate that awaited him. The brave deputies navigated through the rough terrain, discoverin' the good soul lifeless beside the charred remnants of his noble steed. 'Twas a harsh and treacherous path indeed, fit only for the stout of heart.

Now, the lass Sabrinna Vining be mournin' her father, shoutin' on the seas of Facebook, declarin' he had been taken from this world while offerin' aid to those in need. As of now, the scallywag responsible roams free, and the search for justice be as elusive as a ghost ship in the fog. Arrr!

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