Arrr, don’t be pointin' yer peg leg at the insurance scallywags for their feeble coverage, matey!
Arrr, matey! After the Affordable Care Act set sail, healthcare gold became as rare as a mermaid's tooth! Insurance denials shot up like cannon fire from 1.5% to nearly 15%! But nay, let’s not curse the insurance scallywags, for they be but players in this treacherous sea! Har har!
Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the treacherous seas o' health care! The scallywags in insurance be takin' the blame fer the storms o' claim denials, yet the true villains be the deceitful politicians leadin' us astray! Aye, back in the year o' 2013, insurers denied a mere 1.5% of claims, but once those Affordable Care Act regulations set sail, that number skyrocketed to 15%! Arrr!These greedy insurers be demandin' preauthorizations fer all manner o' treatments, makin' yer doctor’s hands as tied as a ship at anchor! Why, even a poor soul with cancer had to wait weeks fer a treatment, only to meet Davy Jones because some landlubber on the other end of the line couldn’t tell a scalpel from a compass!
The politicians promised fair winds for all, sayin' that preexisting conditions would be covered, but they be playin' with fire! With but 5% of the folk usin' over half the health care, it be a recipe fer disaster! The crafty Democrats be laughin’ all the way to the bank while the ill be left adrift, waitin’ fer treatment like shipwrecked sailors!
So raise yer tankards to the real rogues o' this tale, and mayhap think twice 'fore ye set sail with managed care again! Har har har!