The Booty Report

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"Arrrr, ye scallywags! There be a newfangled contraption that fixes yer birthmarks in a jiffy! Fewer visits to the quack, huzzah!"


Arrr, ye scallywags! The new fancy laser be havin' a mean maximum spot size of 13.1 mm, whilst the old one only had 10.8 mm. Shiver me timbers, we be seein' clearer than ever before! Medscape Medical News be tellin' no lies, mateys.

Ahoy, me hearties! Listen up, me lads and lasses, for I have some news to share with ye. Aye, the word on the deck is that a new-fangled contraption called the "novel-generation pulsed dye laser" has been created, and it's got a mean maximum spot size of 13.1mm. That's a might bigger than the old pulsed dye laser, which had a mean spot size of only 10.8mm.

Now, I know what ye be thinking - what in blazes does all this mean? Well, let me break it down for ye. Ye see, this new laser thingy is used by doctors and such to zap away all sorts of skin problems, like birthmarks and scars. And with its bigger spot size, it can zap away a whole lot more of that skin in one go.

So, if ye ever find yerself needing some skin zappin', make sure ye ask yer doctor about this new-fangled laser. And if ye ever happen to see one of these lasers in action, just remember to keep yer eyes closed tight so ye don't get zapped yerself.

In the meantime, me hearties, let us raise a tankard of grog to this new technology, and hope that it brings some relief to those in need. Cheers!

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