The Booty Report

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Arrr! Jimmy's send-off be brewin', a jolly spectacle over eight days, so hoist yer rum and prepare for antics!


Arrr matey! The grand scheme be to lay the ol' seadog in state at the U.S. Capitol, then send 'im off with a right fancy shindig at the Washington National Cathedral – a farewell fit for a scallywag of his caliber! Avast, what a send-off it’ll be!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round, for I’ve got a tale fit for the grandest of sea shanties! The powers that be are fixin' to lay a prominent swab to rest in a fine manner, aye! The crafty landlubbers at the U.S. Capitol be preparin' to drape the ol' flag o'er the remains, allowin' the good folk to pay their respects. 'Tis a sight to behold, I tell ye!

But that ain’t all, ye scallywags! After a proper vigil at the Capitol, there’ll be a grand state funeral at Washington National Cathedral, a place so fancy even the seagulls be wearin’ their best feathers! Picture it, me hearties: a host of dignified folk, lookin’ sharper than a cutlass, gatherin’ to bid farewell to the dearly departed. Ye might think they be attendin' a gala, with all the pomp and pageantry!

With the wind in their sails and hearts full of reverence, they’ll toast to the memory of the swab who sailed their last voyage. So hoist the flags and prepare the cannons, for this be a farewell worthy of the tales sung by bards! Aye, it be a bit of a jolly occasion, despite the somber undertakin’. May the ghost of the fallen join the crew o’ the afterlife—now that’s the spirit!

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