The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Avast ye! Miles Morales be swingin' in to aid the students o' Strange Academy in a treble o' one-shot tales!"


"Arrr, me hearty! Moon Knight and Peter Parker be joinin' us on this adventure! They be ready to swashbuckle and plunder with the best of us! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!"

Ahoy mateys! Gather round and listen to this tale of adventure on the high seas! Our brave heroes, Moon Knight and Peter Parker, are in the thick of the action.

As they board the enemy ship, fierce battles break out. Swords clashing, cannons booming, and the smell of gunpowder in the air. But our lads are not easily defeated. Moon Knight swings his blade with ferocity, while Peter Parker uses his spider-like abilities to swing from mast to mast.

As they make their way deeper into the ship, they come across the treasure room. Gold coins, jewels, and priceless artifacts glimmer in the candlelight. But they must be quick, for the enemy is hot on their heels.

With the treasure secured, Moon Knight and Peter Parker make their escape. But not before causing a bit of chaos. They set fire to the sails and jump overboard, leaving the enemy crew stranded. As they sail off into the sunset, they can't help but laugh at the thought of the enemy captain's reaction.

And so, another successful mission for our daring duo. They may be pirates, but they're pirates with a heart of gold. Until next time, me hearties!

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