The Booty Report

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Arrr! The court be sayin', "Aye, let 'em bargain!" in the case of them scallywags from the Sept. 11 hullabaloo!


Arrr, me hearties! The trio of judges be settin' the sails for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his scallywag mates to face the music come January at that infamous isle, Guantánamo Bay! So hoist the anchor and prepare for a raucous courtin'!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I’ve a tale from the shores of yon Guantánamo Bay! A trio of wise judges, like three old sea dogs, hath cast their gaze upon the tangled web of legalese concerning the notorious Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his merry band of troublemakers. Aye, they've made a decree, and lo! The winds of justice be blowin' fair once more!

As the tide turns, it seems the plea proceedings be set to sail once again, bound for early January. Aye, the court be readyin' its cannons and sharpenin' its quills, preparin’ for a raucous session that promises to be more excitin' than a treasure hunt on a moonlit night! With all the pomp and circumstance of a pirate's parade, them judges be makin' sure that justice does not walk the plank!

So, raise a tankard, me hearties! For justice be a fickle mistress, but it seems she's found her sea legs once more. Let’s hope the courtroom don’t turn into a ruckus like a tavern brawl after too much rum! Aye, we’ll be watchin' closely, lest we miss the spectacle of law meetin' chaos in a most humorous joust! Yarrr!

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