The Booty Report

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Arrr, a scallywag in NYC be in hot water fer tryin' to toss a matey under the iron beast!


Arrr! The brave NYPD scallywags dashed to a ruckus, only to spy a 45-year-old lubber who'd been sent a-flying onto the tracks and met his doom by a southbound iron beast! Aye, 'tis a mighty way to be meetin' yer maker, me hearties!

Avast ye landlubbers! 'Twas a dark New Year’s Eve in the bustling depths of New York City’s subway, where a poor soul, aged 45, found himself in quite the pickle! This scallywag was tossed onto the tracks like a sack o' potatoes, and lo and behold, a roaring 1 train came barreling in like a cannonball from Davy Jones' locker!

Miraculously, this brave matey managed to avoid meeting the grim reaper as he fell into the trench just right! His noggin took a bit of a beating, but the lad be stable now, resting at Bellue Hospital, thanks to some fine medics. Aye, 'twas a sight to behold, captured on film, as a hooded knave gave him a mighty shove while he was more interested in his treasure—err, his phone!

Word on the sea is that the NYPD be on high alert after this foul deed, as they received a call about an assault just moments after the incident. The ruffian responsible, Kamel Hawkins, now faces charges of attempted murder, and with the subway being a treacherous haunt, one can only hope the new year brings smoother sailing for all! So, raise a tankard to survival and beware the shoving scallywags, me hearties!

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