The Booty Report

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Arrr, Hideo Kojima be sayin' he won't make flicks 'cause he's too much of a fussy buccaneer!


"Arrr, methinks I'll ne'er be done with this contraption if I set sail on the making of a moving picture. The sea be less tumultuous than the task at hand!"

Avast, me hearties! Methinks I'll never be done with making a moving picture if I set me sights on it. Ye see, the task be daunting and never-ending. It be like hoistin' the Jolly Roger without end.

The sea be vast and treacherous, much like the world of cinema. It be teemin' with obstacles and challenges that be testin' one's mettle. Ye be needin' to navigate through the choppy waters of scriptwritin', castin', directin', and editin'. And if ye be lucky enough to make it to the silver screen, ye still need to deal with the critics and the audiences.

Methinks that makin' a movie be like sailin' the seven seas in search of treasure. Ye need to be prepared for whatever comes yer way, whether it be storms, mutinies, or sea monsters. Ye need to stay sharp and focused, for the slightest mistake could spell disaster.

But do not despair, me hearties! There be joy and adventure in makin' a movie, just like there be in bein' a pirate. Ye get to tell stories, create characters, and bring them to life. Ye get to see yer vision realized on the big screen for all to see.

So, if ye be thinkin' of makin' a movie, do not be discouraged by the long and arduous journey ahead. Embrace the challenge and set sail towards yer dreams. Who knows, ye may just find yer own piece of treasure at the end of it all.

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